- Fix my figure n weight
- Hv my seafood feast wit my fave: Stingray, sambal sotong & salad you tiao
- Get a mp3 cos I sick of playin my mobile games durin e journey to work
- Hv lots of delicious sotong balls... I lov it!
- Get a new mobile phone cos my current one has started givin prblm
- Rest for a week at hm witout doin anythin bt slp n enjoy my jazz music
- Mit up my sistas for dinner gatherin
- Club at Double O n Zouk soon enuff
- Clean up my room cos it has been tat messy for years...
- Go for holidays as much as possible
- Get my own desktop for my room cos I dun like to share wit my bro n dad
- Get a new sofa for my room cos I wan to slp on it when I haven bathe
- Save up more money to feel rich
- Stop usin my credit card cos I lost track of hw much I owe Citibank
And the list goes on.... Shall do it one by one....