Culinary | How I fail on Chiffon Cake

Anyway... it is something depressing and I can't help thinking that why baking a Chiffon Cake is that hard and it has almost dampen my spirit in baking. Not that I don't have successful bakes but those are just no-bake cakes. I think cooking is more for me as I have le husband to teach me and that's why for the past 7 months of marriage life, I am able to cook every weekend. It makes me happy cooking than baking. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Let me show you the failures.


3 egg yolks
4 egg whites
80g sugar (split to 2 portion for yolks and whites)
50 g cake flour
40g milk
50 g neutral oil

What I did:
  • Reduce oil to 30 g using Canola oil.
  • Bake with 3 different temp and timing (120C - 15mins, 130 - 20mins, 140C - 25mins)
  • The whites are beaten till not so stiff top peak but almost there.
  • Put a packet of Milo (30g) to attempt Milo Chiffon Cake
  • Rise to a certain height, not up to the brim even.
  • Shrink after 10 mins left in the oven upon complete bake.
  • Inside texture is quite sticky, like not properly bake.
  • While folding meringue, the mixture is water and bubbly altogether.

Bottom part

Top part
On the side

I should not follow any Youtube recipes... Bullshit! The last time I bake using the same recipe (without any reduction or addition on ingredients), it turns out nice but still not properly cooked within (sticky texture). I declared fail on 2nd attempt.


I do have like 60% confidence with baking using my Philips Airfryer. And I found a airfryer recipe on the Baking's Corner group in Facebook that I was so looking forward to it.

Yolk Mixture:-
3 egg yolks
20g corn oil
69g fresh milk
55g cake flour
15g cocoa powder

White Mixture:-
3 egg whites
1/2 tsp lemon juice/cream of tartar
35g sugar

What I did:
  • Use Canola oil, HL milk, all-purpose flour, lemon juice and milo powder.
  • Promising look as it is not watery nor bubbly like the recipe by oven. 
  • While airfrying, the top cracks and charred a little.
  • The texture within is still sticky. Okay like moist. Not spongy or springy.
  • Never put any oil on the tin but it comes out still sticking to the tin.


What I think is that I don't cut out in baking. I'm gonna give away all my baking thingy to friends. I give up!
