Finally I went for 1km run after work for 2 consecutive days... Haha.. Quite shiok. I can slp well n early too... Hmm.. Shd continue tis way. Cos if nt I wil hang ard doin rubbish til 12mn onwards then slp. Shit! Tis comin Sun is e Shape Run. Tis time round shall break my last yr own record. Slight improvement in my 10km tis yr compared to last yr. Haha... Bt nw hvin flu. Duno shd go run tonite or do OT to earn money for my holidays. Haha.. Nvm. C hw in e afternoon. I dunwan to risk my life man... After runnin was damn shiok ar... Reali like tat feelin. HOt n sweaty. Sense of achievement when u complete e round. Haha... Hopefully tis Sun I can be in my best condition to complete e run. Like I say, banana is damn a good energy booster. I had 1 b4 each run. Shiok... Non stop run... Haha... Shall train more for next mth 2 marathons... al 10km.. Hee... Scary...