Hmm.. last Sun is a tiring day. Q up for SHE autograph for 5.5hrs. Damn lots of ppl. Jus e same as tat time Fei Lun Hai @ IMM autograph session. Tat time cant get. Nw can get. Haha.. Gd hor? Went there ard 10plus in e mornin. Is already full of ppl in front of e stage. Jus imagine it starts at 2pm. Haiz.. mi poor thing. Q up at e back. Bt I'm fully equip for tat day. I brought along my DS lite, my book, my mp3, my water bottle etc so tat I can spend away my time while waitin. Hmm... though u will stil c ppl cut q la tis n tat, overall is stil ok. The crew manage it well. They are simply frm e SHE fanclub. I do saw butches lor in e crew. Haiz... SHE can even attract butches to idolise them.. Nt bad wor... Bt cant stand e sight of e butches.. Yucks.... Stil they did a gd job. E 3 of them are real pretty when I went up e stage. Al white white de... V nice, jus e same like wat we c in tv. So I tink is worth tat 5.5hrs of waitin. Hmm.. Who is next? Jolin le la... Haha... Waitin for Jolin to release her new album.. I sure wil q for her autograph. Dun nit say much de lor for her... Die hard fan!!! Lov her... Muack muack muack x 3 Hahahh..