Last evening after work, I head for the MRT station as usual. When I get dw to e platform, annoucement made on the disruption of train service from Tampines to Pasir Ris due to an accident. Bloody hell. Who is tat irresponsible person again? Is either commit suicide or accidentally fall off to e track as usual for e official sayin. MRT tracks is e no. 1 place to commit suicide le lor for al e stupid n irresponsible people out there. Thot jump off from e highest floor of e HDB flat is e no.1 way. Damn it! Nw is train track. Wat is there to commit suicide? It relieves tat person frm al sort of prblm face by them but is a burden to their family if they are e breadwinner. Then if post on the newspaper, everybody will go n help tat family financially. Wow.. gain somethin ar in tis way? Is tis a gd way? I find it ridiculous. Lucky nw, the newspaper nv post those mrt track accidents. If nt wat? These family of e deceased think can gain somethin frm e public is it? Wat is tis world bcomin? Commit suicide n yr family gain somethin for free. Bloody hell. Al tis people r nth bt stupid n irresponsible for their life. Seek assistance la. No matter wat, there is bound to hv a way out for prblms. Financial prblm, relationship prblm is e stupidest if tat person die for tat, etc. So mani support group out there waitin to help those people lor. One irritatin thing is, e accident causes lots of prblm to the commuters lor. No train service then everyone take bus la, take cab la, or patiently wait for e train service to b bk to normal. Especially if durin peak hour where ppl rushin to work or rushin hm frm work. Damn irritating. One accident can cause half of e Singaporean incovenience. Cos 1 place no train then e other mus find another way to get to their destination lor. Wat e hell is tis? Sian ar... Ppl living in Singapore are nt living happily bt stressfully. 7% GST la, service charges la, NETs xtra charges la etc. Who wil gain? E civil servant lor. They get so gd bonus every yr. Nt like private companies which depends on e revenue for e yr. Ministers gettin high pay by sittin dw there usin jus their brain, flyin here n there to visit ministers of other countries, walk here n there jus to get more votes during election. I nt hapi abt it at al. I reali wan to know wat is e daily routine of our Ministers. I reali do wan to noe. Guess wat? Our MP for Jurong GRC nv visit our place de lor. I mean Jurong East. Then any events happenin at our area, we duno at all lor n no chance to participate. We noe nothin of wat is goin on in our neighbourhood. Onli e grassroot leaders will know. Tat is for sure. My place here is totally quiet. This wil make mi tink carefully for e next election whether I shd vote them again. I wish e Opposition Parties will come to Jurong GRC at e next election. I m first time voter for e next election if there is competition in Jurong GRC. Pls... Opposition Parties! Do come to our place to compete wit them. I dunwan jus let them get Jurong so easily without competition. I wan to know wat they can do for us. Repaintin of the block is nth. Who cares abt e paintin? If they wan to paint for our block, then include every single unit in e block lor. Lift upgradin stil nit to vote tis comin 24 Aug to 27 Aug.. Then when startin e work? Our last election so long liao lor. OMG. Wat else can they do for us? Shelter pathway ok la. Then wat else? Haiz.. Sian.. Gt chance I wish to work in countries outside S'pore. So sick of it. Bt in S'pore, it seems we dun hv e rights to talk openly lor. Cannot talk bad abt our Government la, our Senior Minister la n our Prime Minister. Mus respect them de wor. If nt kana sue la or jail la..... Nt scare ar? Ya.. onli Opposition parties nt scare. Haha... Blah blah blah... Sian la... Stil, Taiwan is e best. They are daring enuff... Haiz.. Poor government ma over at Taiwan. Oppose e President Chen is so damn overwhelmin. Kaoz... Somemore same surname as e President wor... Forget it... Living in SG is damn hard. Imagine our exchange rate wit them is $0.046. *Faint* I wan to feel a sense of belonging in SG. I wan to love my country. Bt first, I wan to know wat's more can my country do for us SINGAPOREANs!