Haha... I'm back. Too mani to update bt keep it short. For my study wise, I had 2 CAs recently since the semester start. Nv reali study. Duno can pass anot. Duno wat m I tinkin abt recently. No mood to study. Jus hope al my time r spend on doin somethin I like, eg. takin language courses which I hv areadi sign up for Jap lesson in my nearby CC, joinin exercise course like kickbox n aerobics again cos I miss doin those exercises and yoga too as it is relaxin, goin to gym lor...etc. Bt I dun seem to hv e time for al this except wkends. Wkends r short. I cant do much. Hw I wish I hv more time for al those!!! Due to my studies bt is my wish to b Diploma holder. Then pursue my degree.. Haiz.. stil gt 2 yrs to go b4 I say bye bye to my Poly life. Time flies n is nearin yr end le. Time to plan my 2007 resolution as usual. Been doin tis for 2 yrs.. Nt bad. End of the yr I shall conclude my 2006. Jus on Tue (Hari Raya), went to the zoo wit my family. Hot weather bt nt bad cos for 10 to 12 yrs nv go. Haha.. Incredible! Free ma!!! So y nt jus go? Haha.. Hopin to go travellin soon. V sian. Wish to take a break and go travellin. Haiz.. Money increasin so mus wait til e rite time n take out for my travel use. Comin Sun is my 5km marathon again. Haha.. mus break my previous record.!! Dun care... I mus..Yeah.. After tat, I look forward to next marathon on 3 Dec... Yes is Standard Chartered Marathon. Newbie to tat run... Bt tried b4 10km in New Balance Run le. So ok la.. Gt confidence. Anyway.. I fulfil my dreams one by one. Bt something I realise is tis yr I m spending damn too bloody much. I mus stop!!! Shall put it in my 2007 resolution. Stay tune.